Nuove f-orme – healing relationships

Funded by the CRT Foundation, the project addresses the issue of adolescent mental health through some actions: a training and methodological support path aimed at educators for the development of their role as a link between the school – family – mental health services network; peer education courses in some secondary schools in Turin, the creation of a game (kit) on antifragility to be promoted in schools as a concrete tool for addressing the issue of mental health with children. The partnership is made up of Eclectica+ (leader), the Office for the Right to Education of the Metropolitan City of Turin, the Child Neuropsychiatry Service of the Regina Margherita Children’s Hospital (SCU NPI OIRM), the IIS Gobetti-Marchesini -Casale-Arduino of Turin, the Mirafiori social cooperative and the Stranaidea social enterprise.
